CLEANR for Washing Machines

We offer an elegant solution for both internal and external washing machine filtration.

CLEANR has applied its core filtration technology to washing machines for the removal of microplastics from its wastewater. CLEANR started with washing machines because they are the largest source of microplastic pollution into the environment, and the most direct path to the human diet. Powerful legislation is driving these filters into the world with hopes of stopping billions of microplastics at the source. CLEANR offers both an internal and external washing machine filtration product that utilizes the CLEANR core technology.

CLEANR’s Washing Machine Filtration Products

  • Our washing machine products are able to remove more than 80% of microplastic particles emitted when measured to 50-microns in size.

  • Our washing machine products are able to last 300% longer than existing filtration technologies, allowing for multiple loads of heavy-shedding garments prior to any required intervention or cleaning.

  • Our washing machine products require less than 30 seconds of cleaning each week. Our technology creates an easy and dry cleaning experience while ensuring the proper disposal of the captured microplastics.

  • Our washing machine products require no additional pumps or motors. The compact size of our filtration technology allows for flexibility in the placement of both our internal and external washing machine products.

  • CLEANR is developing further enhancements to its washing machine filtration products.

How Do the Filters Work?

The CLEANR internal washing machine filtration product utilizes its small form factor and elegant design to fit easily inside existing washing machines. CLEANR’s patent-pending filtration technology allows for existing washing machine systems to push water though our market leading solution while simultaneously removing more than 80% of microplastics measured down to 50-microns. (Reach out for our full internal product performance data set).

The CLEANR external microplastic filter can easily install on top or to the side of washing machines with the existing outlet hose, no tools necessary. With no external pumps or motors, our elegant design makes removing over 80% or microplastics effortless. (Reach out for our full external product performance data set)


Contact Us

11201 Cedar Ave, Suite 708
Cleveland, OH 44106