March 14, 2025

Microplastics in Meat: A Hidden Ingredient in Your Dinner?

Microplastics have been found in nearly all types of meat, even plant-based protein and meat alternatives.

Figure 1: Grey Sweater Under a Microscope

A study lead by researchers at Ocean Conservancy and the University of Toronto in January of 2024 revealed that microplastics are present in nearly all types of meat, even plant-based protein and meat alternatives. The general narrative of conversations is that microplastic contamination in meat is mainly an issue in seafood, but new research shows that microplastics are widespread in terrestrial meats and even plant-based proteins.

The Study at a Glance

Researchers analyzed 16 different types of protein products commonly consumed in the U.S., including seafood, beef, pork, chicken, tofu, and plant-based meat alternatives. The study aimed to determine how microplastic contamination occurs in these foods and how many particles the average person consumes. The study found that microplastics were present in all 16 types of proteins and in 88% of the individual samples tested. They found that highly processed meats contained significantly more microplastics than fresh or minimally processed ones. Interestingly, there was no significant difference in the concentration of microplastics found in meat from land animals compared to seafood. Included below is a portion of the table from the study that highlights each meat tested, and the microplastic concentrations observed.

Figure 2: Microplastic Concentrations and Reported Protein Consumption (Milne et al. 2023). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749123022352

Which Foods Had the Most Microplastics?

Not all meats were equally contaminated. The study found the highest levels in breaded shrimp – 1.3 microplastics per gram, chicken nuggets – 0.31 microplastics per gram, and plant-based nuggets – 0.32 microplastics per gram. In contrast, fresh chicken breasts and pork loin chops had the lowest levels, with only 0.01 microplastics per gram. Based on their calculations, the average adult in the United States consumes around 11,000 up to 3.8 million microplastic particles per year just from the meats studied.

Where do the Microplastics in Meat Come From?

There are a multitude of ways microplastics end up in the meat we consume. When animals ingest food and water contaminated with microplastics, the plastic particles travel through the gastrointestinal system of the animal and translocate to the tissues that humans later go on to butcher and eat. The animal’s consumption of microplastics through contaminated water and food is believed to be the primary source of microplastics in the meat we eat. This holds true in plant-based meat-alternatives as well. When plants undergo irrigation, the microplastic-contaminated water is absorbed through the roots of the plant, and just like any other nutrient, microplastics are transported into the fibers of the plant.

Another way microplastics find their way into meat is in factory processing; meat that comes into contact with machinery made of plastic can absorb microplastics from the slow degradation of the tools due to heat and abrasion. A third source is airborne contamination. Tiny plastic fibers from clothes and industrial dust can settle on food at any stage before consumption. Considering one of the primary pathways of contamination is due to the water and food consumed by the animal, it is vital to eliminate microplastics from our water systems.

What this Means for You

This study highlights how microplastics are infiltrating our diets in ways we never considered. While seafood has been the primary focus of microplastic contamination discussions, it’s clear that plastic pollution extends to all meats, plant-based foods, and beyond.

As studies continue to emerge linking microplastic exposure to negative health outcomes, this research underscores the urgency of addressing microplastic pollution and exposure. While we can opt for minimally processed meats and whole foods whenever possible to reduce microplastics exposure, it is ultimately critical to prevent the microplastics from entering our water systems. At CLEANR, we have developed a solution to prevent microplastic pollution from the largest source: washing machines. Our microplastic filter for washing machines captures these invisible pollutants before they reach our waterways, offering a simple, effective way to reduce plastic pollution where it starts.

CLEANR’s Premium Microplastic Filter for washing machines captures 90%+ of microplastics from the largest source of microplastic pollution, preventing them from entering our environment.

What we can do about it:

Written by Anna Miller


CLEANR builds best-in-class microplastic filters for washing machines that effortlessly remove the largest source of microplastics into the environment. Its technology, VORTX, represents a breakthrough in filtration, with a patent-pending design that is inspired by nature and proven to outperform conventional filtration technologies by over 300%. The company is building a platform filter technology that enables product manufacturers and business customers to materially reduce their microplastic emissions from impacted in-bound and out-bound fluid streams, including residential and commercial washing machine wastewater, in-home water systems, wastewater treatment, textile manufacturing effluents, industrial wastewater, and other sources. www.cleanr.life  

  1. Milne, M. H., De Frond, H., Rochman, C. M., Mallos, N. J., Leonard, G. H., and Baechler, B. R. 2023. “Exposure of U.S. Adults to Microplastics from Commonly Consumed Proteins.” Environmental Pollution 343: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749123022352


Press Contact:

Sean Conway




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